MBcare Smart Recipes

Pal Khova Receipes

Name Khova and just relish its divine sweetness! Anybody imagine it without sugar? Yes! When you add Sugar Pro Tulsi to Pal Khova then why worry? Try it now!


Milk – 2 ltr.
Yogurt – 2 tbsp thick 
MBCare’s Sugar Pro Tulsi powder – 4 tbsp
Fresh cream – ½ cup
Cardamom powder – ½ tsp


  1. Boil milk in a non-stick pan. Add yogurt and mix well.
  2. When the milk starts to curdle, add Sugar Pro Tulsi powder, cream and stir continuously till the mixture thickens.
  3. Add cardamom powder and mix well. Remove from heat, transfer into a bowl and cool to room temperature.
  4. Transfer in individual serving bowls and serve immediately.

Cooking tips:

Cold khova is gold khova. So always serve it when it’s cool.

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